Video Servers


Premium and Compact Replay Systems

Captivate with Precision Replay

Our powerful and operator friendly lineup of Mira replay systems are designed to captivate audiences with silky-smooth slow-motion replays and game breaking highlights. 

Choose between the premium Mira+ or the compact Mira Express for a replay system that perfectly fits your budget and live production needs. 

Replay Refined

Mira’s user-friendly Control Surface has been designed with operators in mind. In the fast-paced environment of sports & live events, no other replay system enables operators to deliver content with the same blend of speed, precision, and flexibility thanks to the ergonomically designed Mira Control Surface.

Capture Every Angle

When your live productions expand over time, quickly and easily combine multiple networked Mira replay servers into a single larger system to capture even more content and draw your audience deeper into the action.

Unmatched Storytelling

The combination of the Mira Control Surface and intuitive user interface enables operators to deliver the most compelling replay content. When Mira is paired with PIERO sports graphics analysis tool, you have the most dynamic replay storytelling solution.

Our powerful, incredibly flexible, yet easy-to-operate multi-channel replay system can be fitted with either 8 or 12 bi-directional video channels—each with two storage options.

Mira+ can handle all your live events and sports broadcast replay needs, as well as ‘live-to-disk’ quick turn-around live edit applications.