Case Study

Transforming Weather Coverage Workflows with RÚV

RUV Weather Presenter



RÚV, Iceland’s public broadcaster based in Reykjavík, has been a cornerstone of Icelandic media since its television channel was established in 1966.

Tasked with providing comprehensive news and weather coverage to a population of 380,000, RÚV faces unique challenges, particularly given Iceland’s rapidly changing weather conditions. To meet the high expectations of the Icelandic public and their responsibilities as part of Iceland’s civil protection protocols, RÚV embarked on a journey to enhance its weather reporting capabilities by implementing Ross Video’s Raiden weather graphics software.

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The Challenge

Operating with a relatively small budget while having obligations akin to much larger broadcasters, RÚV needed a flexible and robust solution to enhance their weather reporting.

Accurate weather information is crucial in Iceland, where the weather can change swiftly and dramatically. RÚV’s previous weather system was isolated from the rest of their newsroom workflow and not as flexible as they wanted. The need for a more integrated and creative solution was evident, especially given their role in civil protection during natural disasters. 

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The Solution

After their very positive experience implementing other Ross solutions in the past, including XPression graphics, OverDrive production automation system, and several Carbonite production switchers, RÚV was excited to be the first to implement our new Raiden software.

Operating on the XPression graphics engine, Raiden provided RÚV with a comprehensive and flexible weather graphics solution. Raiden’s combined functionality as a real-time data aggregator, local server, and story creation tool gave RÚV the seamless, integrated workflow they were looking for. Of particular importance to RÚV, Raiden’s real-time weather data integration allowed them to produce graphics 24/7 based on the latest and most accurate meteorology data available. 

The new system enabled RÚV to aggregate weather data efficiently and create compelling graphics without relying solely on meteorologists to produce the graphics. The web-based story creator also proved particularly beneficial and provided an easy way for forecasters to compile graphics and plan their segments.  

Implementing new systems can be very challenging and time-consuming for us at RÚV because we are so small. You must trust your partner on this kind of project. Having worked with Ross before, I didn’t hesitate to go on this journey with Raiden because what Ross says they will do, they deliver.

Ragnar Santos
Producer & Technical/Engineer Lead, RÚV
RUV Weather control room

RÚV newsroom powered by Ross Video solutions includes:

  • Raiden – Data-Driven Weather Graphics System
  • Carbonite – Production Switchers
  • OverDrive – Production Automation System
  • XPression – Real-Time Motion Graphics System

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The Impact

The implementation of Raiden has significantly improved RÚV’s weather reporting capabilities

Raiden has enhanced the flexibility and creativity of their weather graphics and ensured a reliable and robust system to meet the high demands of Icelandic weather coverage with a small team and a tight budget. The ability to create weather graphics independently in the newsroom has streamlined operations and enhanced the quality of their broadcasts. 

To learn more about Raiden, Ross Video’s data-driven weather graphics solution, visit our product page or speak with your local Regional Sales Manager.

We are passionate about doing everything as well as possible, so we are always looking for budget-friendly solutions. That’s why we talk to Ross. Everything that we ask for, Ross has always said, ‘Yes.’ The partnership is so giving; we are proud of being part of it.

Gisli Berg
Head of Production, RÚV

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