NK-3RD | Third Party Router Interface

Third Party Router Interface

The NK-3RD Third Party Router Interface enables a third-party control system to control an NK Series routing system using the Pro Bel SW-P-08 or the Grass Valley Jupiter ESswtich protocol.
Using this protocol, an NK Series router can emulate a Probel router or interface to Grass Valley products via ESswitch (limited to crosspoint switching and crosspoint status / tally requests), allowing control of the NK Series router via a third-party automation system.
NK-3RD Third Party Router Interface
NK-3RD External Redundant Power
NK-P1 Spare or Redundant, 50W, +15V External Power Supply
NK-DRY Y Cable for two NK-P1 External Power Supplies
NK-3RD Rack Mount Redundant Power
NK-RP1/P Rack Mount, 1RU, 100W, +15V Redundant Power Supply
NK-D12/P NK-RP1/P Power Supply Cable for NK-3RD
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